Fees and Charges
NDIS Funding Fees & Charges as of 01/07/2024
CORE SUPPORTS - Service Planning and Support
​Service Type
Service Establishment fee - $675.60 - (For service users requiring 20hrs/month of service) - 04_049_0125_1_1
Face-to-Face Support Planning - $67.56/hr - (Support planning, meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel - 04_104_0125_6_1
Non-Face-to-Face Services - $67.56/hr - (Documentation and communication - 04_104_125_6_1
Reporting - $67.56/hr - (2hrs of base service rate) - 04_104_125_6_1
Transport - $1.20/km - (Participant travel for support)
CORE SUPPORTS - Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation
(2hr service engagement)
Service Type
​Monday to Friday - 6:00am - 8:00pm - $67.56/hr - 04_104_0125_6_1
Monday to Friday - 8:00pm - 600oam - $74.44/hr - 04_103_0125_6_1
Saturday (all day) - $95.07/hr - 04_105_0125_6_1
Sunday (all day) - $122.59/hr - 04_106_125_6_1
Public Holidays - $150.10/hr - 04_102_0125_6_1
Core Activity Based Transport - $1.00/km - 04_590_0125_6_1
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 04_799_0125_6-1
Shadow Shifts - up to six hours/year - $67.56/hr - 04_104_0125_6_1
Cancellation/No Show fee - 100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice - 04_104_0125_6_1
CAPACITY BUILDING - Increased Social and Community Participation
(Services Monday - Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)
​​Service Type
Increased Social and Community Participation (Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports, includes mentoring, peer support and skill development) - $77.00/hr - 09_006_0106_6_3
Face-to-Face Support Planning (Meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $77.00/hr - 09_006_0106_6_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, communication, report writing) - $77.00/Hour - 09_006_0106_6_3
Activity Based Transport Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions & Supports) - $1.00/km - 09_590_0106_6_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 09_799_0106_6_3
Cancellation/No Show fee - 100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice - 09_006_0106_6_3
CAPACITY BUILDING - Development of Daily Living & Life Skills, Skill Development & Training
(Services Monday - Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)
Service Type
Development of Daily Living and Life Skills, Skill Development and Training - $77.00/hr - 09_009_0117_6_3
Face-to-Face Support Planning (Meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $77.00/hr - 09_009_0117_6_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, communication, report writing) - $77.00/hr - 09_009_0117_6_3
Activity Based Transport Development of Daily Living Skills (Transporting participants to an activity) - $1.00/km - 09_591_0117_6_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 09_799_0117_6_3
Cancellation/No Show fee -100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice - 09_009_0117_6_3
CAPACITY BUILDING - Individual Social Skill Development
(​Services provided Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)
​Service Type
Individual Social Skill Development - $77.00/hr - 11_024_0117_7_3
Face-to-Face Support Planning (Meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $77.00/hr - 11_024_0117_7_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, communication, report writing) - $77.00/hr - 11_024_0117_7_3
Activity Based Transport Development of Daily Living skills (Transporting participants to an activity) - $1.00/km - 11_590_0117_7_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 11_799_0117_7_3
Cancellation/No Show fee -100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice - 11_024_0117_7_3
CAPACITY BUILDING - Improved Skill Development and Training, Public Transport Training
(​Services provided Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)
​Service Type​
Improved skill development & training and, public transport training - $67.56/hr - 15_037_0117_1_3
Face-to-Face Support Planning (Meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $67.56/hr - 15_037_0117_1_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, Communication, Report writing) - $67.56/hr - 15_037_0117_1_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 15_799_0117_1_3
Cancellation/No Show fee – 100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice -15_037_0117_1_3
CAPACITY BUILDING - Assistance with Decision Making, Daily Planning & Budgeting​
(​Services provided Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)
Service Type
Assistance with decision making, daily planning and budgeting - $67.56hr - 15_035_0106_1_3
Support Planning (Meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $67.56/hr - 15_035_0106_1_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, communication, report writing) - $67.56/hr - 15_035_0106_1_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km – 15_799_0106_1_3
Cancellation/No Show fee - 100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice - 15_035_0106_1_3
Coordination of Supports
(​Services provided Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm)​
Service Type
Coordination of Supports - Support Coordination (Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports) -$100.14/hr - 07_002_0106_8_3 (2-day cancellation required)
Coordination of Supports - Supports Connection (Assistance in Coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports) - $77.00/hr - 07_001_0106_8_3 (7-day cancellation required)
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs (Parking and running cost of provider vehicle) - $1.00/km - 07_799_0106_6_3
Parking and running cost of provider vehicle - $1.00/km - 01_799_0106_1_1
Capacity Building - Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
​Service Type
Monday – Friday days, 6.00am – 8.00pm - $101.42/hr - 07_101_0106_6_3
Monday – Friday evenings, 8.00pm – 12.00am - $111.74/hr - 07_102_0106_6_3
Monday – Friday nights, 12.00am – 6.00am - $113.81/hr - 07_103_0106_6_3
Saturday – All day, $142.71/hr - 07_104_0106_6_3
Sunday – All Day, $184.01/hr - 07_105_0106_6_3
Public Holidays - $225.31/Hour - 07_106_0106_6_3
Face-to-Face Support Planning (meetings, reviews, assessments, provider travel) - $101.42/hr - 07_101_0106_6_3
Non–Face-to-Face (Documentation, communication, report writing) - $101.42/Hour - 07_101_0106_6_3
CB – Activity Based Transport - $1.00/km - 07_501_0106_6_3
Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs - $1.00/km - 07_799_0106_6_3
Report Writing – $101.42/Hour - 07_101_0106_6_3
Cancellation/No Show fee – 100% of service rate if less than 7 days' notice
Fees and Charges Explained
Establishment Fee
If Mix It Up – Live life your way, provides a participant with a minimum of 20 hours per month for three or more consecutive months of the following supports, an establishment fee will be charged.
Direct Support and Support Planning
Hours used to deliver support to you in person (e.g. meetings, support within your home, support to access the community, etc.) as per normal.
Shadow Shifts
If you require that any new worker is introduced to you through a current worker (i.e. a shadow shift that both workers attend), due to complex medical/behavioural support needs, then up to six hours per year can be claimed.
Non-Face-To-Face (Indirect work we do regarding your support)
Is charged for the following activities if it is directly related to providing your support and they cannot be completed during your direct support hours:
Phone calls to/from you or your nominee/carer/guardian in relation to your support
Meetings we are required to attend in relation to your support, even if you are not present
Time to write a case note about what was achieved/occurred during support
Writing reports for other services/NDIA/internal use (including support plans and handover notes)
Completing research on your behalf as requested by you if you prefer we do not do this during direct-support hours.
Communication on your behalf – e.g. emails and follow up.
Writing and updating your Support Plan due to a change in risk/support strategies – A copy will be provided to you
Creating visuals or other resources that will be used during your support
Discussions between your Lifestyle Companions/Lifestyle Consultants/Psychosocial Recovery Coaches/Support Coordinators/Manager if it is directly in relation to your support (e.g. if your goals/circumstances have changed and how we can support these)
You will not be charged for the following activities:
Staff training or supervision
pre-engagement visits
developing a Service Agreements
entering or amending participant details into system
Changes to participant's service times
staff/participant travel monitoring and adjustment
ongoing NDIS plan monitoring
completing a quoting tool
making service bookings and payment claims
Travel Charges
Transport – Direct Service
Mileage and travel charges are agreed to as part of individual service agreements.
Travel is charged at $1.20/km.
Activity Based Transport
If a Mix It Up – Live life your way employee, is required to attend with you or, to transport you to an approved NDIS-funded activity then Mix It Up – Live life your way, will charge you separately for the time driving to/from the activity, and the kilometers used in taking you to this activity using your NDIS funding.
The Activity-based transport items listed in the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue include the following community-based activities:
Assistance with social and community participation
Improved living arrangements
Increased social and community participation
Finding and keeping a job
Improved relationships
Improved learning.
Provider Travel - (Time)
This is the time it takes for a Mix It Up – Live life your way employee, to travel from the office/last visit to your house/location to participate in direct support (up to a maximum of 30 minutes charged at the hourly rate, for the applicable support). Capacity Building supports (Support Coordination or Psychosocial Recovery Coaching) will charge a maximum of 30 minutes per trip each way (Maximum 60 minutes return).
As per the NDIS pricing arrangements, in addition to the above travel, providers delivering core and capacity-building supports are permitted to claim for provider travel in respect of a support item can also claim for the time spent travelling from the last participant to their usual place of work.
Provider Travel – Non-Labour costs – (Per Km and other Charges)
Charges incurred by Mix It Up – Live life your way, in relation to travel that occurs to arrive at your chosen destination for support or service, or during support, (for activities that do not relate to NDIS approved activities). This includes metro ticket purchase, parking costs, or per km rate ($1:00) for kilometers travelled to arrive at your home for direct support from the office/last visit. This applies to support items as specified in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
Please note our prices are subject to increase in accordance with adjusted NDIA efficient price. Any increase will not affect service provision as the funding in your plan will be indexed accordingly to allow for the increase in prices.
Event/activity costs – participants are responsible for the entry costs into the event/activity for themselves.
Participants are required to pay for their own food, drinks, taxi fares and any other items they wish to purchase.
Last revised 01.07.2024